Need Help?
Do you need help?
We may be able to help you if you are behind on your rent or utility payments. If you need help with other things, contact us and we may know a relevant resource you can contact about your need.
We primarily serve households in Richmond, Indiana. As a good neighbor policy we sometimes are also able to serve households in Fountain City, Centerville, Boston, Fountain City, and Williamsburg; Indiana.
Please be aware that we are not an “instant help” organization. It takes time for us to sort through the requests for help, review your materials, make a decision, and make any approved payments.
All requests for help must begin with a phone call to our office at (765) 977-9590. During the phone call we will ask you to participate in a brief pre-screening to determine if you are eligible for our programs.
If you might be eligible, you will be invited to make an appointment with us, and will be told what documents you need to bring to the appointment. We might ask you to also contact additional agencies for help (especially if the amount you owe is very large). If you are not eligible for our help, but we know of another agency that might be able to help you, we will get you contact information for those agencies.
If we are not available to answer the phone when you first call us, please leave a voice message. We will return your call as soon as a staff member or volunteer is available to do so.

At your appointment, we will make copies of the documents you were asked to bring and will review the funds you owe. We will also have a conversation with you about your income and your expenses. We may also need to get additional information from you to help us understand your situation. After your interview we will need to phone your landlord and/or utility companies to verify the amount currently owed.

After you have your appointment, your materials will go to a committee for review. They will make a recommendation about whether we can help, and if so by how much. Also during this time, we will confirm the amounts you owe with your landlord and/or utility companies.

You will receive a phone call, text message, or e-mail from us notifying you about any approved assistance. And we will process the payment for the appropriate landlord or utility. All payments are made directly to the landlord or the utility.